06 Apr 2013

"Cheat Death" as Your Healthy Living Slogan, Come On!

First let me apologize for the error in the blog post I wrote below as pointed out by an individual, CaroMont is not owned by Carolinas Healthcare System and so I have revised the blog. I apology again for the error.
I couldn’t help but comment on this news story from the Shelby Star in Cleveland County, North Carolina. The hospital announced a new name and slogan for one of their hospitals.  The name, CaroMont Regional Medical Center, not bad, although the community is slightly upset, but the slogan “Cheat Death”???
Why you might ask? Well the slogan change was for the right reason; the hospital wants to improve the health of the region, which is very poor; but give me a break,  “Cheat Death” as your slogan!  Lets discuss a few reasons why this is a just an unbelievably poor choice of a name for a good idea.
First of all its a just a bummer, using the word “death”, while powerful is a negative word. It also  has not been shown to be a motivator in adherence studies of people who know if they don’t take their medications they are going to die. They don’t follow through just like the rest of us. But more importantly “Cheat”?  Yes people cheat on tests, cheat on their taxes, cheat at cards, and on and on; but cheating means you are doing something wrong, you’re taking shortcuts!
According to the article, CEO Randall Kelley in response to some concern over the name said “people can realize that the tagline represents exactly what patients  want doctors to help them do – live  longer”
Creating a healthier community, improving ones behaviors and thereby delaying death is not cheating! It’s doing the right thing, it’s not a shortcut to get around doing the right thing, it is in fact putting in the time to exercise, to study more so you understand your health condition, to take your meds on time and fill prescriptions; to visit your doctor when needed; it’s the exact opposite of cheating.  There are no shortcuts to a longer healthier life and you sure can’t “cheat” your way to it, nor do you cheat it, for in the end, death is an absolute, it’s still there.
I know the hospital is placing a major emphasis on healthier communities and employer wellness which is a great concept for a hospital system, but in the area of behavior change, population health management and wellness, there is more learning to do, which may come with a few hard knocks as I don’t think they’ll be able to cheat their way to it.
What are your thoughts?
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0 thoughts on “"Cheat Death" as Your Healthy Living Slogan, Come On!”

  1. Hey, knucklehead – Caromont Health in Gaston County isn’t part of Carolinas HealthCare System in Charlotte. You need to run a retraction and do a better job of reporting.

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